Bright, Ventilated, and Upper Level Feel Basements

Ken Shinaut

Bright, Ventilated, and Upper Level Feel Basements

The presentation "sheds light" on the basement and how it can be transformed to an entirely different level of living.

Boman Kemp Companies have been serving the residential construction business in the US for over 40 years. One of our flagship products, our basement egress window system, is now being offered all over North America.

Our complete system consists of 6 pieces that come together in the basement wall, to lend an entirely different look and feel to the basement - " an upstairs feeling in the downstairs living area". Couple these features, along with code compliance egress for bedrooms, and you've got a real hit. A chance to take a really old idea of basement windows and give them a 2015 look - egress, ventilation, and beautiful appearance!

From our partnerships all over the US, we've documented smart construction ideas via photos and 3D house plans. The presentation "sheds light" on the basement and how it can be transformed to an entirely different level of living - Additionally, the geothermal benefits of the earth are realized with homes built in this fashion - we will discuss them.